What is the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)?

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Among the body’s systems is one of paramount importance: the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), which controls many of the body’s major functions automatically without any conscious input from you. It’s a regulatory branch of the central nervous system that helps people adapt to changes in their environment. It adjusts or modifies some functions in response to stress.

There are two divisions of the ANS: The sympathetic and the parasympathetic. ANS acts through a balance between these two components and it helps regulate:

  • Blood vessels’ size and blood pressure
  • The heart’s electrical activity and ability to contract
  • The bronchium’s diameter (and thus air flow) in the lungs

You and I know that migraine pain is caused by a change in blood vessels size in the skull constricted or dilated blood vessels.

Medically, there are many tests of the ANS. Most of them are easy to perform but hard to interpret individually. So far, there’s no cure for autonomic disorders. Still, several physical measures and drugs can help people with autonomic failure prevent low blood pressure or feel less uncomfortable during episodes.

Holistically, in order for the ANS to function correctly, part of which is body-healing and rebuilding, the autonomic nervous system needs to be supplied with real foods – the true nutrients- proteins, fats, and minerals provided by real whole foods and if these are not provided, the autonomic nervous system cannot do its job.

So in migraine cases, it could be Sympathetic or Parasympathetic autonomic nervous system dominance.


Disclaimer: Statements made are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. It’s for educational information only. Any recommendations are not intended to replace the advice of your physician.

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