Suzanne’s Story


“How I Went from Sick, Hopeless and Lost, to Being in Full Control of my Overall Health, Overcoming my Migraines and Discovering my Mission in Life!”

Here’s how my migraine headaches began to take a toll destroying my life.

My first migraine symptom occurred at 23 years of age – I was a mother of 2 little boys 5 and 2 years old – with a sensation of weakness and tingling in one side of my face, neck, and arm that made me experience skepticism that I’m having a stroke.

At the beginning these signs have started to happen once a month. Then have increased to be twice for almost three months until tension headaches began to occur along with a severe striking pain in my head that lasted for a week. It was unbearable and scary at the same time. I didn’t know what to do or how to deal with it.

The pain had transformed to become a migraine based on doctor’s diagnosis: “Those are migraine headaches. This is a recurring problem. Try to watch out for the causes and triggers. I’m sorry to say that you have to live with them…”

He prescribed medications. However, I didn’t take any for I couldn’t afford to buy them at that time, nor my body could tolerate them. I had no idea about these types of headaches so attacks kept coming back sooner and stronger.

In this specific period of my life, I was dealing with ongoing severe stress and extreme depression that kept me unaware of all of my degrading health. My migraines became complicated with severe symptoms such as chronic fatigue, mood changes, dizziness; visual disturbances and intolerance to light. They were often accompanied by nausea and vomiting where at several occasions I had to be carried to the emergency room because of the non-stop vomiting.

I got migraines with and without aura along flashing lights, zigzag lines, and temporary loss of vision. Severe tension, throbbing, and pounding traveled from one side of my head to the back of it and down to my neck… The pain in my skull felt like an exploded fire. The Pain became more intense and lasted for three to four days where I had to lock myself in a dark room away from any noise and light struggling to gain even just a few minutes of sleep which seemed to be hopeless.

Years went by where my migraine headaches occupied a big portion of my life with no mercy whatsoever… A feeling of abandonment, loneliness and powerless accompanied the horrible pain, especially when the closest people to me – my husband and family – had no idea or can understand my painful situation. They could not even imagine the physical and emotional challenges that I was going through.

I always felt I need a stable, constructive and unconditional support, but my personal network failed to provide it. I had obligations towards my little ones, though, I found myself in bed with severe excruciating pain that was tearing me apart. There was no alternative way to ease or eliminate that pain. I kept empowering myself to stay faithful and hopeful. I had a feeling and believed that there must be a light at the end of this dark tunnel, no matter how long it would take. I knew deeply that my prayer will be answered one day, but at God’s timing.

The most frightening time was when I started to experience brain disturbance and malfunction. I experienced mental fuzziness, slurred speech, learning disabilities; memory impairment, lethargy, dyslexia and senility. Nevertheless, and to add to the load different symptoms arose as well: Feeling of  heavy chest, anxiety, sleep problems; panic attacks, sugar cravings, joint pain even eczema showed up.

My immune system had gone further in weakness and caused additional health conditions such as food allergies and environmental sensitivity…It was miserable! As a result, I ended up with an extremely poor memory. I got to the point where I couldn’t remember things that have just happened like my phone number and direction to where I was heading to. That devastated me! I felt scared to death. I knew it… I wasn’t really far from getting the Alzheimer’s disease at 35 year old.

Five more years passed by and I’m carrying the heavy burden, my migraines with no mercy until one day this inner distress get exploded within. I got burst into tears crying out loud: “God! Please help, this is so overwhelming!

A Gentle but Powerful Voice Within: ”I’ll set you free, and you will help others”

It was 2002 when a friend of mine opened my eyes to the holistic alternative approach. It’s about functional and natural medicine; effects of botanical herbs and real wholesome nutritional supplements/vitamins. It stopped me for a minute thinking, and afterwards it made a total sense. I thought about how our ancestors always counted on this kind of natural medicine, whereas conventional medicine had barely existed at that time.

And, I remembered my first mentor – my grandfather – who lived up to 104 years old had a healthy happy life. He passed away recently in 2003. His holistic journey motivated me rising hope again in me. I started to envision myself a new healthy functioning person with dreams and goals for life.

The onset of my belief can be simplified to this saying “Knowing the cause is half of the battle.” I began to search of what might cause migraine headaches. I looked around and found a large number of women also suffer from the same problem. My curiosity led me to ask them questions about their experiences with their migraines. I discovered that their symptoms were less not alike and causes are different. This made me wonder… So, I became more curious.

I exposed myself to all kinds of natural alternative medicine discoveries, researches, resources; studies, opinions and recommendations. I commenced to pay close attention to my lifestyle making some changes. I followed different diet eating plans. I consumed herbs and supplements. I also conducted studies and self experiments trying to discover what worked and what didn’t. Through a long journey of trial and error, I didn’t give up. I made baby steps at my own pace considering my weak ability (physical, emotional and mental) to find a solution. I began to notice a significant decrease in my migraines. Gradually, the number of the attacks started to diminish in frequency and duration. However, this success was limited, but was true!

It took me more than 5 years to put my Migraine Mystery Master Puzzle Pieces together to where I became a full believer that a cure does not come in the form of a pill, but in the power of pure nature! What I have discovered and applied led my migraine headaches to lessen and fade gradually. I felt I wanted to shout out loud and tell all who suffer out there that there’s a hope. And, YES, you can dominate your migraines, but the answer is by doing it NATURALLY!

An inviting call came out through my husband and my 2 teen boys saying that I have to study nutrition. Of course, this was impossible. I was still having difficulty memorizing, focusing and even remembering. Simultaneously but gradually as I was listening to that call, a desire for a holistic approach started to grow in me. I wanted to know and learn more about how my body system works, so I may be able to overcome my migraine headaches naturally once and for all.

In 2008, I get certified as a Nutrition Educator at Bauman College of Holistic Nutrition and Culinary Arts in Penngrove, California. This certification provides students with an understanding of whole food nutrition as it contributes to the prevention of illness and the promotion of optimal health. Students learn to conduct an in-depth diet, lifestyle and environment evaluation, and to advise individuals on whole foods ‘eating for health’ plan that responds to their unique health needs.

During my college courses, I was constantly working on building a strong foundation of data, and using my own experience with migraines for a successful practice and expertise. It was really an intensive exploration.

Today, I keep myself constantly updated on the latest healthy living natural medicines, discoveries, studies, breakthroughs… to continue growing in knowledge. I was able to transform my own relationship with my migraines debilitating condition into an expertise!

My new self-image leads me always to maintain a positive attitude and high spirit. It gives me endless amount of energy that results in fulfillment and success. Now, I’m the role model in the family. My husband and my two grown up sons are very glad and proud to have me back; healthy and productive.

Feelings of gratitude shine within me every time I’m on top of my to-do list running a full work schedule, classes and events. In addition to making plans and participating in parties and social events.

Who I am today is a profound story of a hardship journey that continually taught me one lesson after the other. If I didn’t defeat my migraines, I wouldn’t be even close to what I’m saying, doing or practicing.

My philosophy: “Any symptoms in our bodies are warning signs saying that something is going wrong and not functioning well.  Give the body what it needs – as God had designed it – it has an amazing ability to repair and heal itself by incorporating nutrition and self-healing into one’s daily life.”

My belief: “Disease is not the presence of something evil, but rather the lack of the presence of something essential” Empty Harvest: “Understanding the Link Between Our Food, Our Immunity, and Our Planet” by Jensen, Bernard, D.C., Ph.D., and Mark Anderson.

My Theory: When it comes to fight migraines or any other health condition, knowledge is power! After my long suffering experience, I strongly believe the more you educate yourself about your lifestyle, the environment that surrounds you and your diet – I call it LED – the better equipped you’ll be to take over and dominate any health symptom or condition you may have.

Discovering, believing and applying the truth is the only way that can help you to overcome not only migraines, by any other health problem. This you can be in full control of your own overall health. The truth will set free making your footstep firm on the road of natural body restoration.

Addressing and correcting the underlying root causes of your individual migraine headaches or health condition/s causing you pain and suffer is the core of living migraine-free, wellness and optimal health. I absolutely discovered and believe that a customized natural therapy plan and diet should be as unique as your health problem. What works for one person does not necessarily works for another.

My Passions: Be one of the world’s experts transforming people’s health sharing my earned secrets.

Preserve health by continually educating and supporting myself, family and community of the world’s greatest health threats – chemically contaminated – foods, water, soil and air.

Be a part of a worldwide solution helping in raising awareness, making positive changes and creating a healthier more sustainable future for next generations.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” – Martin Luther King

My Big Lesson: Holistic healthy living is the only true way that can help us survive and overcome health, economy and planet crisis. It turned my health around from being confused, depressed and paralyzed into becoming a healthy, happy and fully productive person!

I was in your situation and even worse. Energetically, I was completely drained out at all times. When our body got filled up with horrendous pain, we’re left with no energy to be able to continue our normal daily routine.

If I did it, you can too!

At the very origin of each of our lives our gene of good health existed – God grant it to us for free. Now, I’m a living proof that you too can discover the health you were born to have. Step-by-step good health will start to immerse back into your life where energy and vitality burst back again from within. It’s your optimal overall health! All your body systems and organs will resume their synergistic function to surprise you by sending your health challenges or migraines away in one-way trip where they can never find a route back to you.

Imagine if you could overpower your migraines or any health problem you have, how would this benefit your whole life?

Yes…, you can bring an end to your suffer,
