
Why You’re Drawn to Spas?


“Women are drawn to spas because they provide one of their few opportunities to receive divinely feminine care. Too many women feel depleted because they themselves don’t take the time to receive, because they are caught up in giving to others. This is especially true of mothers. If this rings true for you, accept this as a personal invitation to take in and receive the pleasures of nature.

If you find yourself resenting the people in your life, it may be because you never learned, first how to give yourself and, second, how to receive from them. Start taking more time for yourself and I promise that you will see a major change for the better in your relationships and even in you “luck. The busiest of women can and should find 5-10 minutes each day for personal pampering “- Greta Breedlove ‘The Herbal Home Spa” book

Feel loved, pampered and coddled with this healthy body oil:

Vanilla Infused Body Oil

A delectable Vanilla infused oil which can be used for massages or as a moisturizing body oil. You can even make a more concentrated version of this oil to use as a natural perfume!

– 2 organic Vanilla Beans
– 1 cup organic Jojoba Oil

Slice Vanilla Beans lengthwise and cut into small pieces.  Place in a glass jar, cover with oil, cap, and shake well. Store in a sunny and warm windowsill for 1-2 months and shake daily. When the oil has reached the desired strength, strain the Vanilla Beans out using cheesecloth and pour the infused oil into a bottle.

Love is an Art which comes from the Heart

Happy Valentine!

Adapted from:


Check Your Kitchen Pantry Cabinet for Wheight Loss Possible Solution!


Is Weight Loss goal one of your 2013 resolution list?

If so, this piece of information is for you.

Herbs and spices are considered the most potent antioxidants in your food supply. But, also they can help you lose weight and promote healthy body weight. According to Dr. Mercola these 10 herbs and spices can aid with weight loss. Check them out here…


Holiday Shopping Safety


With the holiday season such a hectic time of year, people tend to forget that they must be aware of their surroundings while shopping. This  guidance list will ensure that you and your family remain safe and have great holiday season.


  • Carry only small amounts of cash
  • Shop during daylight hours whenever possible-or go with a friend if you shop at night (or the pre-dawn sales).
  • Carry keys, credit cards and cash separate from each other.
  • Be extremely careful and watchful when using ATM machines.
  • Wear conservative, comfortable clothing, and minimal jewelry.
  • Carry a cell phone, if you have one.
  • While driving, keep your doors locked and windows rolled up – including in the parking lot.
  • Maintain at least half a tank of fuel


  • If you have to carry a purse, carry it close to your body and keep it zipped.
  • Park close to where you are going and park in a well-lit area.
  • Heighten your awareness – be aware of your surroundings and who is nearby.
  • Grip carried items firmly and do not leave them unattended.
  • Do not overload yourself with packages to maintain visibility and freedom of motion, and to avoid mishaps
  • Pay for purchases with a check or credit card when possible.
  • When hurried or in a crowded shop, make sure you get all forms of ID and credit cards returned to you before leaving.
  • Notify the credit card issuer immediately if your credit card is lost or stolen.
  • Keep a record of all credit card numbers in a safe place at home.
  • Keep a close eye on children while shopping.


  • Leave the mall before closing time; it is safer to walk out of the mall with other people.
  • Be aware of strangers approaching you for any reason. At this time of year, “con-artists” may try various methods of distraction with the intent of taking your money or belongings.
  • Use an escort or mall security if you have a lot of packages or if you are leaving the mall after closing.
  • When returning to your vehicle, carry your keys in your hand and be ready to unlock the door and enter as quickly as possible.
  • Check under your car as you approach it; this is a common spot for criminals to hide.
  • Check the interior of your car before entering.


  • After opening gifts, break down cardboard boxes of expensive electronics and put them in plastic bags to hide the fact you have new high-value items in your home.

Wishing you a very safe and happy holiday season,


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!



Flu/Cold Vaccine


She thought that if she’d take the cold/flu vaccine, she’ll keep it out of her doorstep. But, unfortunately and sadly she got permanently disabled with total body paralysis. Watch her story here

Even worse, today, flu shot is being forced on health workers. Why? Click here to learn more…

How to make an informed choice? The best place to learn is from the National Vaccine Information Center

If You Vaccinate, Ask 8! What You Need to Know Before & After Vaccination

Stay safe, act smart, and eat healthy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Your Right to Know!

If you’re a wealthy rich person and can’t find real food to buy to eat, how then,  your fortune would serve you? Time is running out. It’s now, or it may be never! Passing this state law in California will have the same impact as a national labeling law. For the first time in the US, the decision will be put into the hands of voters, YOU. This is the final hope for Americans to achieve basic GMO labeling- Proposition 37: Your Right To Know

It’s your future, the future of your children even more it’s the future of the planet your origin home!


If you don’t know what is GMO or GM Food (Genetically Modified Organism) or (Genetically Modified Food) watch any of these short YouTube videos about Monsanto-An Evil Company and make a conscious choice.

Even worse, are big large corporations, The Organic Trade Associations stab organic consumers on the back (red section)?

50 countries around the world do GMO labeling, including Russia, China and the entire EU.


Still Labeled as ‘Raw’


Real raw almonds have tremendous health benefits. They are an excellent source of manganese, copper, and vitamin B2 (all of which are important for the body’s energy production). Almonds are rich in magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin E, and high in health-promoting monounsaturated fatty acids and many other nutrients.

Raw almonds (with no heat applied) are particularly healthy. According to USDA data, raw almonds have more calcium, iron, potassium, fiber, manganese, and vitamin E.

According to the Almond Board, five methods of “pasteurization” are permitted: oil roasting, dry roasting, blanching, steam processing, and the use of propylene oxide (PPO). A sixth method involved irradiating the almonds, and this was used for a number of years, but now the Almond Board states that “Almond pasteurization does not include irradiation.”

The material safety data sheet for PPO warns:

Causes gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It may cause central nervous system depression, characterized by excitement, followed by headache, dizziness, drowsiness, and nausea. Advanced stages may cause collapse, unconsciousness, coma and possible death due to respiratory failure. Aspiration of material into the lungs may cause chemical pneumonitis, which may be fatal….May cause reproductive and fetal effects. Laboratory experiments have resulted in mutagenic effects. May cause heritable genetic damage.

If you suffer from migraine or not you may experience any of above health symptoms. But, how can you predict that any of these symptoms can be due to eating what it supposed to be a really healthy nutritious food? And, most of the time ended up wandering:

It’s labeled as raw!

I trust and want to support local farmers market…

Where is the truth and what to do?

Learn more @


Concerned about Migraine? Then Consider Body Physiological Causal Connections


Any symptom in the body including a migraine is a warning sign saying that something is going wrong and not functioning well. There are substances or circumstances considered to be triggers and causes which can activate a migraine. It can be one thing or it can be a combination. Everyone’s migraine is individual and unique. Try to stay away from any of them can certainly help, but what about your individual body physiological real causal connections? Let me explain further.

Holistic medicine is practicing a Nutritional Therapy vs. Allopathic Therapy that can help a client/patient who has the condition rather than treating the condition. It’s about Biochemistry vs. Chemistry. Why this work?

This therapy would get the body chemistry back into balance through consuming wholesome food, practicing natural lifestyle and being surrounded with clean environment. This wellness practice approach is comprehensive with emphasis on nourishing the WHOLE person, so the body nurtures, repairs and heals itself. All body systems and organs are perfectly well designed to work synergistically achieving optimal health. The same thing is as in a car. No single device or part can make the car runs, but all parts working together.  Here are three examples of body physiological causal connections:

  • Afternoon headache/headache between meals is related to low blood sugar
  • Feeling queasy/headache over eyes is related to your gallbladder
  • Feeling like head splitting in two from frontal lobe/headache before periods is related to your hormones imbalance

Whatever is your headaches/migraines type, you keep getting them because you’re constantly masking your pain/symptoms, but not correcting these body physiological causes. In this case, you’re not giving your body what it needs, in contrary you’re providing it with the wrong supply. The result is not only keep suffering, but creating more internal body system or organ damage that may escalate down the road to become irreversible.

Learn more about what body physiological causal connections might be here.





This Drink is The Main Reasons Why Many People Suffer Health Problems


When suffering from any health problem the first thing you need to do is to look in your ‘box’, your environment, your food and your drink before searching out of the box.

According to Dr. Mercola, “if you are actually drinking soda as a beverage, you are putting your health at risk every time you do so.  Drinking just one soda a day can increase your risk of being obese by an amazing 60 percent. And it will increase your risk of diabetes by 85 percent!  Soda drinkers even have a higher throat cancer risk.

From a nutritional standpoint, soda has pretty much nothing to offer except bad news– including the ridiculous new “healthy” sodas that have hit the stores recently.  Some of the major components of a can of soda include:

Phosphoric Acid: This can interfere with your body’s ability to use calcium, which can lead to osteoporosis or softening of your teeth and bones.

Sugar: It is a proven fact that sugar increases insulin levels, which can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, premature aging and many more negative side effects. Most sodas include over 100 percent of the RDA of sugar, usually in the form of high fructose corn syrup, the number one source of calories in the U.S.

Caffeine: Caffeinated drinks cause jitters, insomnia, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, elevated blood cholesterol levels, vitamin and mineral depletion, breast lumps, birth defects, and possibly some forms of cancer.

If you thought diet sodas might be a better option, think again. They are filled with unnatural, artificial chemicals, and are actually even worse the regular soda. There are over 92 different health side effects associated with aspartame (Equal) alone, including brain tumors, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epilepsy/seizures. On top of all that, they won’t even help you lose weight; in fact, they will double your risk of obesity by stimulating your appetite, increasing your carbohydrate cravings, and activating your body’s fat storage mechanisms. If you have suffered from an adverse reaction to any aspartame product, contact the FDA Consumer Complaint Coordinator in your area.

Nutritionally speaking, soda is one of the main reasons why many people suffer health problems. Aside from the negative effects of the soda itself, drinking a lot of soda is likely to leave you with little appetite for vegetables, protein and other food that your body needs.

If you struggle with an addiction to soda (sugar is actually more addictive than cocaine), I strongly recommend you consider Turbo Tapping, a simple yet highly effective tool that will help you stop this health-harming habit.

And remember that a glass of fresh clean water with a squeeze of lemon or lime makes a great soda alternative any day.

However, soda provides some benefit such as:

  • Cleaning your dirty toilet bowl
  • Removing rust spots from chrome
  • Getting gum out of your hair
  • Getting rid of skunk odor
  • Cleaning grout
  • and more

If soda can really do such harsh things, what does it do to your internal body-YOU?

Adapted From:




Gross Ingredients Might Be Hiding in Your Foods

Human body is designed to have, digest and assimilate real wholesome food which nowadays becomes a bit challenging and difficult to find while industrialized and artificial food is plenty. However, this ‘food’ is full of harmful substances that alter body chemistry leaving it prone to all kind of illnesses or diseases. I came across this interesting article and found it noteworthy to share it with you. So, if you don’t make your meal yourself and from scratch, you can’t know exactly what is hiding in your pre-made food.

“That’s because companies are allowed to use misleading names for food additives – or can omit listing the ingredients altogether, labeling them simply “natural flavors.” Sure, you’ve probably heard about pink slime in burgers, but has anyone mentioned the beetles and beaver anal glands in your smoothie?

Here’s just a few of these unpleasant and, frankly, disgusting secret ingredients you’re probably eating on a regular basis, courtesy of Business Insider:

  • Cochineal beetles – These beetles are crushed up to make a red dye that’s used in everything from yogurt, maraschino cherries, commercial jams and jellies, tomato products, and Starbucks Frappuccinos. I don’t know about you, but I don’t completely understand why pink or red fruit isn’t colorful enough on its own.
  • L-Cysteine – This is an amino acid used to softened the dough of mass-produced bread. Where does it come from? Human hair. Sometimes duck feathers. About 80% of the L-cysteine on the market comes from human hair (although McDonald’s uses the duck-based variety for its baked goods). Is this technically cannibalism, or just gross?
  • Castoreum Jaime Oliver initially drew attention to the use of this “flavor enhancer” in cheap vanilla and strawberry ice cream. It’s a mixture of the anal secretions and urine of beavers – a natural byproduct of the beaver pelt industry, used as a natural flavoring agent and a fragrance in cosmetics. The good news (as such) is that the FDA recognizes castoreum as “safe.” I guess there’s that.
  • Isinglass – That’s a fancy way of saying “dried fish bladder.” It’s used to give beers that distinctive golden glow by binding with the yeast and forming a sediment at the bottom of the cask, which is then (mostly) removed from the final product. There’s no actual need to use it, because the yeast will separate out from the beer on its own within a few days, but mixing in liquefied swim bladder is quicker. Yummy.
  • Gelatin – Is it really news that gelatin is made from boiled animal connective tissue? Well, in case you weren’t aware, Jello is definitely, definitely not vegetarian. There are vegetable-based gelatins on the market if you find the idea of boiled bone or skin powder a little too nauseating.
  • Lanolin – This is a natural oil found in sheep’s wool and it’s normally used for lotions, shampoos, sunscreen, and other cosmetics to leave your skin and hair silky and smooth. It doesn’t actually hurt the sheep, which is being sheared for the wool anyway, as long as you don’t mind smearing yourself with lamb-grease. But even if you were aware of its use in cosmetics, you probably didn’t know that it’s also used to soften chewing gum.
  • Sawdust – That bag of shredded cheese you were going to sprinkle on your pasta? It probably uses “cellulose” to prevent clumping. That’s another way of saying your cheese is coated in a fine layer of powdered wood pulp. It’s also used in meat products, ice cream, and more. At least it’s one way to get your daily intake of fiber.
  • Sodium bisulfite – A chemical used as a toilet bowl cleaner, it’s also used to bleach discoloration from potato chips and extend their shelf life. Somehow, this isn’t particularly reassuring.
  • And much, much more. There’s so many weird chemical and animal-derived ingredients in processed food that I can’t possibly cover them all in just one blog post. For example, Wendy’s chili gets its distinctive texture from a helping of added sand. And did you know that commercial orange juice isn’t actually flavored with real oranges?

These ingredients would make anyone queasy – but many of them are bad news for anyone trying to follow a vegan or vegetarian diet. And if you suffer from food allergies? Well, if they’re not awful, maybe sometimes you can take a chance on a product listing “natural flavors.” And if they’re deadly, then I guess you’re stuck erring on the side of caution and only eating foods you can prepare yourself.

Actually, even if you don’t have any special dietary needs, that’s probably a good idea. Your standards for the amount of bugs in your meal are probably a lot higher than the FDA’s. Do Care2 readers know of any other disgusting food additives that should be added to the list?”

Adapted From:


Are You at Risk?

Good Health Depends on Working plumbing, and that Depends on a Healthy Digestive System!

Your digestive and bowel health are so important.

Your digestive system- you digestive and bowel health-is responsible of delivering critically important vitamins and nutrition to your system. Dr. Bernard Jensen States, “80% of all diseases start in colon. It’s crystal clear that poor bowel management lies at the root of most people’s health problems.” Fortunately, once you fix your digestive problems, almost everything else can get better.”

Do You Suffer from Any of These Nagging Symptoms?

Abdominal Discomfort

Bad breath

Body Odor



Occasional Diarrhea

Dull Skin and Hair Tone


Irritable Bowel


Protruding Belly

Unexplained Fatigue

Unexplained weight Gain

If you do, are you making your symptoms worse by taking antiacids, drugs, laxatives….?

You’re about to discover how popular laxative, drugs and antacids ‘rot away’ your digestive tract causing pain!

Your system comes to rely on antacids and “forget” how to operate normally:

1- They suppress pepsin, a stomach acid vital to digest protein

2- Many of the products contain ALUMINUM, a toxic heavy metal that’s been potentially linked to Alzheimer’s

3- Some contain calcium carbonate. Excessive use of this can lead to kidney stones and constipation

4-“Antiacids will sometimes cause your stomach to produce more acid-a condition called acid rebound, which worsens your gastrointestinal problem” – Dr. Ronald Hoffman

Some scientists have linked non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as Naproxen and Ibuprofen to overgrowth yeast problem. Below, I share some important quotes to keep risk of painful horror away:

  • Long-term use of antacids can result in side-effects, including diarrhea”– The National Institute of Health, Federal Government
  • Prilosec actually worsen your problem because they reduce vital stomach acid used to digest your food”– Dr. Mercola
  • Arthritis drug users who take antiacids may risk bleeding”- The Associated Press and The Washington Post Health
  • People who have been taking acid-suppressing drugs were 400% more likely to get pneumonia than people who hadn’t taken the drugs…”– U.S. News & World Report, international magazine. The results of an antiacids study of 500,000 people involving 149 doctors revealed the above little- know conclusion


Noor De-Vie May 2012 educational topic “An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure” by Suzanne Abboud CNE


