Cold/Flu Season

All You Need To Know In One Place: ‘Start Fresh’ TV Program Episode 10





‘Start Fresh’ Episode 10 Topics:

مواضيع هذه الحلقة

“Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all” (PART II)
” كثيرات عملن فضلا اما انت ففقت عليهنّ جميعا”

Kids Do Not Like to Be Said “NO”. How to Say “NO” to Your Child in a Positive Way?

ما العمل ليسمع طفلك لك علما انك تقولين له – لا

Natural Remedies for Cold/Flu

العلاجات الطبيعية للرشح

Is Your Chocolate Real!?

هل الشوكولا الذي تتناوله حقيقي!؟

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Cold/Flu Remedy

Cold/Flu season is around the corner. Are you ready?

Get equipped saving yourself aches and discomfort -not to mention losing work days- by being prepared keeping cold/flu away of your doorstep.

This remedy is to be made in advance; needs about a month to mature. It’s a valued tonic revered by herbalists for its ability to help prevent cold and flu symptoms and/or shorten their duration if they occur. Who doesn’t want that?

It’s an apple cider vinegar infusion that contains “powerful immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, decongestant, and spicy circulatory movers” that make it “especially pleasant and easy to incorporate into your daily diet to help boost the immune system, stimulate digestion, and get you nice and warmed up on cold days.” It’s called Fire Cider


  • ½ cup peeled and shredded/diced ginger root
  • ½ cup peeled and shredded/diced horseradish root
  • ½ cup peeled and diced turmeric OR 1/4 cup additional ginger and 1/4 cup additional horseradish
  • ½ cup white onion, chopped
  • ¼ cup minced or crushed garlic cloves
  • 2 organic jalapeno peppers, chopped
  • Zest and juice from 2 organic lemons
  • Raw apple cider vinegar
  • Raw, organic honey to taste
  • Several sprigs of fresh rosemary or thyme (optional)
  • ½ teaspoon black peppercorn (optional)


  • Quart-sized jar
  • Wax paper


Add the ginger, horseradish, onion, garlic, jalapeno and lemon juice/zest to a quart-sized jar. Pack them down lightly so that the jar is about 3/4 full. Use a fermenting weight to hold down the veggies/roots, or place heavy roots at the top so that they will weigh down the herbs and jalapenos (which float). Pour a generous amount apple cider vinegar over the roots/vegetables. You want everything to stay under the liquid to prevent spoilage. Keep in mind that some of the roots will expand a little so top it off well. If you’re using a metal lid, line it with wax paper so that the vinegar doesn’t corrode it, then put the lid on. Place in a dark, room temperature cabinet for 2-4 weeks. (A month is best). When the cider is ready, shake well and then strain the roots/veggies using a cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve. Add honey to taste and store in the fridge.


  • Many people take 1-2 tablespoons throughout the fall/winter months as a preventative measure, or every three to four hours if symptoms are present. As a “wellness shot” put about 1 oz. in a shot glass to drink straight up
  • As a tea – Breathe in the steam as you sip to relieve congestion
  • In juice – For little ones, it’s best to serve a small amount mixed in freshly-pressed orange juice or lemonade
  • As a marinade or salad dressing

Adapted from:

How can you stay well and healthy while those around you sniffle and sneeze?

The flu season is upon us.

How can you stay well and healthy while those around you sniffle and sneeze?

The key secret is to eat diet rich in nutrition to boost your immune system which will fight the good fight for you. Here’s the list of absolute best foods to protect yourself:

  1. Raw Milk
  2. Whey Protein
  3. Fermented Foods
  4. Raw Organic Free-Range Chickens Eggs
  5. Grass-Fed Beef
  6. Coconuts and Coconut Oil
  7. Locally Grown Organic Vegetables
  8. Blueberries and Raspberries
  9. Mushrooms
  10. Green and Tulsi Teas
  11. Herbs and Spices
  12. Garlic

Read full article here:
