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How to Protect Yourself & Family Naturally from Viruses – Coronavirus, Cold/Flu, Bacteria & Pathogens

Must-Follow List:

  • Wash your hands more frequently for at least 20 seconds. Especially, before eating, after coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose and using the restroom. For hands disinfection, rub alcohol on hands to prevent germs.
  • Keep at least three feet (1 meter) distance between yourself and others especially the ones who are sick.
  • Use the right face mask type for good protection
  • Practice cough etiquette, in your elbow or using a tissue. Make sure to dispose the used tissue immediately and wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces; viruses can live on surfaces up to 48 hours.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth in public.
  • Stay up-to-date to make sure the virus is not in your region.
  • Seek medical attention early if you’re not feeling well. So, you won’t infect others.

15 Effective Antivirus Natural Remedies

First, make sure you practice all action steps listed above.

Second, Boost your immune system for a maximum protection:

  1. Detoxify Your Body Daily but Gently – Apply one or all of the followings:

a. Do a warm foot bath by using ¼ cup of Epsom Salt for 20mn

b. Take clay internally gradually

c. Activated charcoal

2. Build a Strong Body Constitution

a. Walking, running, swimming, gym exercises, yoga or Pilate

b. Doing ‘Earthing’ daily. It’s a great FREE activity to boost your immunity reducing body inflammation. ‘Earthing’ is walking bare feet on conductive surfaces such as grass, dirt (where are no chemicals or fertilizers have been used), sand, tile and concrete. NOTE: Do this in warm days.

3. Reduce Stress Physically, Emotionally & Mentally – Stress is your number one enemy! It depletes your body of its strength and immunity making you susceptible to illness, sickness and chronic diseases.

4. Practice Regular Deep Breathing Exercise 4/Day – This FREE Exercise helps you in 2 ways:

1-Reduce stress by calming down your nervous system.

2-Makes your inner body setting an oxygenated environment where virus, pathogens and bacteria CAN NOT thrive.

5. Get a Daily Sunlight Exposure – Sunlight and its UV radiation has the capacity to destroy, inactivate and kill viruses in the environment. It does so by chemically modifying their genetic material, DNA and RNA. When the body is warm virus CAN NOT thrive. Get as much sunlight as you can, safely.

6. Keep Your Body Hydrated – Make sure your drinking water is pure, mineralized, and consumed at room temperature. Make sure drink water between meals; never before, during or after a meal. Every person quantity need varies.

7. Keep Your Body Alkaline – Eat a lot of organic veggies. And, simply by adding pure baking soda into your drinking water. Quantity and consumption timing are a secret key.

8. Increase Blood Circulation – By using herbs like hawthorn berry, motherwort, prickly ash bark, hot peppers, organic ginger, cinnamon (make sure not the kind that causes liver damage) and bitter herbs.

9. Iodine – Has been recognized as an effective broad-spectrum bactericide, and is also effective against yeasts, molds, fungi, viruses, and protozoans. NOTE: Make sure you’re not sensitive to iodine.

10. Colloidal Silver – Silver has been utilized as a natural alternative medicine since ancient times. It works by interfering with the enzymes that allow a virus to utilize oxygen thus, in essence, suffocating it so it cannot do damage in the body.

11. Vitamin C – Getting enough of vitamin C in your diet could help decrease symptoms and shorten the duration of respiratory infections. The best dietary sources of vitamin C are fruits and veggies, including citrus fruits, berries and peppers. If you choose to take it in a form of supplement, make sure it’s real, natural, and not synthetic format.

12. Vitamin D – Has the ability to enhance immunity and protect against infection. Choose the right bio-available type and dosage.

13. Licorice Root – Glycyrrhizin, an active compound found in licorice root, may possess powerful virus-fighting properties. 1 cup of Licorice Root tea/day every other week. NOTE: If you have a blood pressure issue, then licorice is not for you.

14. Probiotics– Gut flora is essential and fundamental for optimal health. Once it’s disturbed, it can cause all types of illnesses. Probiotics protect you from diseases, help to fight and neutralize viruses. Look for the highest effective bio-available formula.

15. Immune-Boosting Herbs:

  • Oregano
  • Olive leaves
  • Elderberry
  • Pau D’acro
  • Green Tea
  • Echinacea
  • Calendula
  • Astragalus Root
  • Cat’s Claw

16. Immune-Boosting Foods:

  • Organic chicken, beef or goat bone broth
  • Organic meat & poultry
  • Diet rich in vegetables
  • Organic coconut oil, water or milk
  • Red algae
  • Reishi & Shitake mushrooms
  • Manuka or organic, raw, unpasteurized, unheated honey
  • Spices like organic garlic, ginger and turmeric

Have questions or need further clarification?

Feel free to contact me via email to schedule a phone or Skype session to receive the help you need right from your comfort zone. I can assist you in any health concern or struggle you may have. I provide a personalized diet and nutritional therapy plan that work for your individual health needs for a normal body repair and restoration. Keep in mind getting the right format and quality of any supplement or vitamin seriously matters. It can make or brake your health. Synthetic, toxic, chemicals loaded supplement can cause harm to your health making your body susceptible to illness and diseases. Add to this, you’ll be wasting your investment and not getting health benefits you need.



Modern Life Diseases

Healthy Living Through The Power of Whole Foods


A date to make


Modern Life Diseases

Are You Protected?

Regain Your Health!


Award-winning American Lebanese alternative medicine provider, leader, author and founder of ‘Organic Cedar’ company Suzanne Chucrallah Zgheib, will reveal the mystery of the spread of today’s modern life diseases in all people, young & adults.

Suzanne is going to share the solution to bring health and wellness back to the community.

This event could change — possibly even save — your life!

Saturday, June 02, 2018 @ 3PM

Bethania, Harissa

 Please reserve your seat before or by May 28th

Phone: 71/469.126


How to Choose Your Produces

Get a trusted shopper’s guide list to make the right choice protecting your health and your family from chemicals residue in produces you buy here.

Your choices determine your health!

All You Need To Know In One Place ‘Start Fresh’ TV Program Episode 12






‘Start Fresh’ Episode 12 Topics:

مواضيع هذه الحلقة

How Stress Affects You, Your Health? Ways & Foods to Reduce Stress


قلل من … وزد من …

10 Ways To Positive Discipline

الطرق العشرة في التربية الإيجابية

The Only True Healthy Lifestyle That Provides Optimal Health & Wellness

أسلوب حياة وحيد يوفر لك الصحة والعافية

A Simple Healthy Delicious Drinking Water You & Your Body Needs To Start a Productive Day

اشرب هذا الكوب من المياه اللذيذة الصحية الذي ليس فقط جسمك يحتاجه بل لبدء يوم نشيط ومنتج

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All You Need To Know In One Place ‘Start Fresh’ TV Program Episode 11







‘Start Fresh’ Episode 11 Topics:

مواضيع هذه الحلقة

How Stress Affects You, Your Health? Ways & Foods to Reduce Stress

طرق واطعمة تساعدك على الحد من التوتر

Kids Don’t Like to Be Told What to Do. How Would You Ask them?

لا يرغب الاطفال في أن يقال لهم ما يجب القيام به

فكيف اذا تسألهم ليطيعوا؟

How Can You Wash Away the Weariness & Soreness from a Long Day of Work in Seconds? 

انزع عنك التعب والارهاق واحصل على الشعور بالارتياح والهدوء بثوان قليلة

It’s Almost in Each Processed Food You Eat. It’s Addictive. Has a Direct Damaging Effect on the Immune System. And, Deplete the Body at an Alarming Rate from Minerals & Vitamins

انه تقريبا في كل الأغذية المصنعة التي تأكلها. انه يسبب الادمان

له تأثير ضار ومباشر على الجهاز المناعة

يستنفد الجسم من المعادن والفيتامينات بمعدل ينذر بالخطر

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All You Need To Know In One Place ‘Start Fresh’ TV Program Episode 8





‘Start Fresh’ Episode 8 Topics:

مواضيع هذه الحلقة

7 Tips to Create a Peaceful Home

٧ نصائح للعيش بسلام في العائلة/البيت

Your Child Will Love ItIt’ll Help Him/Her to Become a Capable, Responsible & Successful Member of the Family & Community (PART I)

هذا ما يريد ويفرح به طفلك حقا

فكوني جاهزة لترين فردا ينشأ وينموامام عينيك قادرا، مسؤولا وناجحا في أسرتك والمجتمع

“If you want to live disease free, …!” Also, It’ll Help You to Feel Stress & Depression Free & Productive

إذا كنت ترغب تجنب الامراض

Surprising Endless Benefits of A  Substance in Your Kitchen Cabinet!

فوائد كثيرة ومثيرة للدهشة لاستعمالك اليومي لمادة ’ منسية ’ في مطبخك

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All You Need To Know In One Place: ‘Start Fresh’ TV Program Episode 10





‘Start Fresh’ Episode 10 Topics:

مواضيع هذه الحلقة

“Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all” (PART II)
” كثيرات عملن فضلا اما انت ففقت عليهنّ جميعا”

Kids Do Not Like to Be Said “NO”. How to Say “NO” to Your Child in a Positive Way?

ما العمل ليسمع طفلك لك علما انك تقولين له – لا

Natural Remedies for Cold/Flu

العلاجات الطبيعية للرشح

Is Your Chocolate Real!?

هل الشوكولا الذي تتناوله حقيقي!؟

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All You Need To Know In One Place: ‘Start Fresh’ TV Program Episode 9






‘Start Fresh’ Episode 9 Topics:

مواضيع هذه الحلقة

“Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all” (PART I)
” كثيرات عملن فضلا اما انت ففقت عليهنّ جميعا”

Not Only Your Child Will Love It! But, It’ll Help Him/Her to Become a Capable, Responsible & Successful Member of the Family & Community (PART II)

هذا ما يريد ويفرح طفلك حقا

فكوني جاهزة لترين فردا ينشأ وينموامام عينيك قادرا، مسؤولا وناجحا في أسرتك والمجتمع

It’s Lurking in Your Kitchen. It’s Convenient, But Harmful to Your Health!

موجود في مطبخك او تودين شراءه

انه مريح جدا، ولكنه ايضا ضارجدا معرضا صحة عائلتك للخطر

The Human Body Is Designed to Have It. Are You Consuming the Right Kind? Or, You Expose Your Health to Illnesses?

انه ضروري للصحة

كيف تميزه عن سواه لتجنب مخاطره على صحتك؟

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All You Need To Know In One Place: ‘Start Fresh’ TV Program Episode 7

‘Start Fresh’ Episode 7 Topics:

مواضيع هذه الحلقة

“I don’t have time!” How to Find Time for Everything You Want & Like to Do?

كيف توجدين الوقت لانهاء اعمالك ووقتا خاصا بك؟

What Method Do You Use with Your Child? 

A Way that Teaches Self-Reliance 

يعلم الاعتماد على الذات

Or, A Way that Teaches Dependence on Others 

يعلم الاعتماد على الآخرين

Plastic Has Identification Codes. What Do They Mean to You?

البلاستيك له رموز تعريف. ماذا تعني لك ولصحتك؟

Tips for Cutting Down on Your Plastic Use!

نصائح لخفض استخدام البلاستيك/البديل

Your Body Talks to You Through Health Signs & Symptoms. What Does It Say to You?

جسمك يخاطبك من خلال علامات

ماذا يقول لك؟

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