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my nativity (2)

I pray that you will understand that God loves you and that no matter what has happened to you in your life, no matter how deep of a pit you’re in, He will reach down in it and lift you out and make you whole.

God can renew your mind through His Word.

He can heal your emotions. He can help you financially, physically, heal your body.

He can give you the right friends, the right social life.

God can help you and He wants to help you.

It’s not gonna be easy, but it’s much easier than staying in bondage.

Some things will come quick.

Some will come more slowly.

But the thing you have to make a decision on today is, “I’m going to step out on this journey by faith, and I am never going to give up.”

-Joyce  Meyer Ministries-Daily Devotional-Scripture Teaching

If You Vaccinate, Ask 8!

It’s cold/flu season once again at this time of the year.

Vaccination reminder is everywhere. Are you informed to make the right choice for you and family?

If You Vaccinate, Ask 8!

What you need to know before & after vaccination, go to learn more about the role of informed consent in vaccination.

7 Ways to Protect Yourself against Flu/Cold:

1- Get enough sleep

2- Exercise regularly

3- Manage your stress

4-Consume high quality of protein

5- Add fermented foods to your daily diet

6- Eat twice more vegetable than fruits

7- Season your favorite dishes with raw garlic, herbs and spices

You can catch cold/flu, but you can’t catch health. So, build it!

“No treasure greater than a healthy body”-Sirach 31:16

Do Any of These Concerns Apply to You?

Do Any of These Concerns Apply to You? 

√ Increasing Bone Density

Preserving Sharp Mind and Memory

 Eliminating Junk Food Cravings for Good

Making a Good Choice at the Grocery Store

Keeping Cancer Away From Your Door Steps

Not Feeling Your Best Even After You Exercise

Protecting Yourself Against cold/Flu Naturally

Learning Simple Approaches to Relieve Muscle Soreness and Cramps

Come join my Healthy Living Workshop at Sequoia YMCA on September 24 at 12:30 and learn about these topics and more. For more information click here.

Surpass Modern Life Challenges


High-tech, fast-paced modern life affects us all in one way or the other. Meeting the challenges of today’s culture and civilization seems like a fight for survival. There’s no doubt that all of this technology certainly makes our life more convenient. But, on the other end it takes a toll on our health. And, each one of us, our body, reacts differently to it. For instant, some people develop high blood pressure, some others experience heart problems, others get cancer, etc.

5 Ground Rules to Cope and Surpass Modern Life:

Eat nutritious, real, and dense foods. Industrialized foods are health destructive.

Exercise at least 3 times/week. It can bring an end to your health problems.

Practice deep breathing. It helps keep an oxygenated environment into your body to remain healthy and disease free.

Connect with the Mother Nature. This relationship can neutralize your body from accumulated electromagnetic fields your body, you, are exposed to 24/7 that are causing all types of illness and diseases.

Stay positive and be a peace maker. It can bring happiness and joy within and to the ones around you.

Need guidance, motivation or help?

I surely can assist you.

Call me, let’s talk!


How To Celebrate a Greener Fourth Of July!


Firework, barbecuing, camping, or picnic…can be a part of 4th of July Day celebration.

Barbecuing -What is greener: charcoal or gas-powered grills?

Charcoal is basically dirtier, an article on the Planet Green website states. However, charcoal can come from renewable resources, while gas is a fossil fuel. Yet, charcoal, when burned, “can result in 105 times more carbon monoxide than burning propane and lots of harmful volatile organic compounds.” Real or chunk charcoal doesn’t have the dirty additives, but comes from “thousands of miles away,” which results in more carbon emissions. Research by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory founded that gas produced 5.6 pounds of carbon an hour, while charcoal produced 11 pounds.

Another way to green your 4th of July is by using reusable plates, bowls, cups, and silverware. Plastic-based disposable plates and silverware are made from petroleum. Paper plates may seem like a greener choice, but paper comes from trees. If the thought of having to wash all those dishes is daunting, throw them in the dishwasher, which uses less water than washing by hand.

Here are a few other ways to green your 4th:

  • Serve pitchers of water instead of providing water bottles
  • Use reusable table cloths
  • Limit or avoid pre-packaged foods and you will avoid a lot of waste
  • If you have a garden, serve produce from it

Fireworks- They can unleash a shower of toxins into soil and water, and scientists are only beginning to figure out what that means for human health. Learn more at Mother Nature Network.  

Happy 4th of July!

Keep it green!

Adapted From:

Exercise 20 Minutes Twice a Week

To obtain optimal health exercise is a key factor but when it’s done correctly. Compelling mounting research shows that high intensity slow motion workout is the ideal exercise.

Dealing with fast pace modern life often, you have no time for a regular workout. What if you can exercise for only 20 minutes two times a week? And, that’s all you need to achieve greater health benefits in less time. For instant, promote growth hormone, normalize insulin level…This type of exercise called high safe strength high intensity slow motion workout. It’s more effective than regular workout and much safer with less body injury. The benefit of this type of workout make it for virtually everyone, regardless of age or fitness level, and that is safety, as it actively prevents you from accidentally harming your joints or suffering repetitive use injury.

I, personally got introduced to high intensity workout recently. I’m so excited taking this course to get certified as a Safe Strength Personal Trainer, soon!

Discover more here:




Shoe Leather Chemical in their Bread


“…Subway would like you to think of their bread as freshly baked, just like your grandmother would make, but I’m fairly certain your grandmother didn’t add azodicarbonamide to her bread the way Subway does… There is concern that this chemical might cause chronic diseases including cancer and, possibly, asthma and allergies. As reported by the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI)…” Dr. Mercola

Discover more here…


How can you stay well and healthy while those around you sniffle and sneeze?

The flu season is upon us.

How can you stay well and healthy while those around you sniffle and sneeze?

The key secret is to eat diet rich in nutrition to boost your immune system which will fight the good fight for you. Here’s the list of absolute best foods to protect yourself:

  1. Raw Milk
  2. Whey Protein
  3. Fermented Foods
  4. Raw Organic Free-Range Chickens Eggs
  5. Grass-Fed Beef
  6. Coconuts and Coconut Oil
  7. Locally Grown Organic Vegetables
  8. Blueberries and Raspberries
  9. Mushrooms
  10. Green and Tulsi Teas
  11. Herbs and Spices
  12. Garlic

Read full article here:


Antibiotics Cause Kidney Injury & Turn Statin Deadly – Are You on Your Own with Statin Drug and Other Medications Combination in this time of Year Again?

 It’s that time of year again, when millions of people get prescription for antibiotics for viral infection (cold, flu, bronchitis) for which they are useless, harmful, and dangerous. Some of these drugs become very dangerous and even deadly when combined with other prescription drugs like statins (cholesterol-lowering drugs) and blood pressure drugs. Unfortunately, the folks most vulnerable to these prescription disasters are older folks, for whom tens of millions of these prescriptions are written annually-too often in this dangerous combination.

Know the Facts-Antibiotics & Statin

·        If you’re prescribed any of the statin drugs-atorvastatin (Lipitor), simvastatin (Zocor), or lovastatin (Mevacor)-do not take antibiotics erythromycin (E-mycin, Eryc, Ery-Tab) or clarithromycin (Biaxin).If you do, you’re at a greater risk of muscle damage or destruction (which will land you in the hospital) or even death.

·        And if you’re prescribed a fluoroquinolone antibiotic (Cipro, Levaquin, Avelos), with or without statin, you’re at a higher risk for serious kidney injury, which will also land you in the hospital. You may be on a statin for your cholesterol. This multiplies the effects of the statin drug by 4-10 fold! In these cases you must double-check your prescriptions and question your doctor to save your own life.

Adapted From:

Dr. Bruce West, founder of Health Alert/Immune System, Inc, January 2014/Volume 31, Issue 1, pg 6

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