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Cold/Flu Remedy

Cold/Flu season is around the corner. Are you ready?

Get equipped saving yourself aches and discomfort -not to mention losing work days- by being prepared keeping cold/flu away of your doorstep.

This remedy is to be made in advance; needs about a month to mature. It’s a valued tonic revered by herbalists for its ability to help prevent cold and flu symptoms and/or shorten their duration if they occur. Who doesn’t want that?

It’s an apple cider vinegar infusion that contains “powerful immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, decongestant, and spicy circulatory movers” that make it “especially pleasant and easy to incorporate into your daily diet to help boost the immune system, stimulate digestion, and get you nice and warmed up on cold days.” It’s called Fire Cider


  • ½ cup peeled and shredded/diced ginger root
  • ½ cup peeled and shredded/diced horseradish root
  • ½ cup peeled and diced turmeric OR 1/4 cup additional ginger and 1/4 cup additional horseradish
  • ½ cup white onion, chopped
  • ¼ cup minced or crushed garlic cloves
  • 2 organic jalapeno peppers, chopped
  • Zest and juice from 2 organic lemons
  • Raw apple cider vinegar
  • Raw, organic honey to taste
  • Several sprigs of fresh rosemary or thyme (optional)
  • ½ teaspoon black peppercorn (optional)


  • Quart-sized jar
  • Wax paper


Add the ginger, horseradish, onion, garlic, jalapeno and lemon juice/zest to a quart-sized jar. Pack them down lightly so that the jar is about 3/4 full. Use a fermenting weight to hold down the veggies/roots, or place heavy roots at the top so that they will weigh down the herbs and jalapenos (which float). Pour a generous amount apple cider vinegar over the roots/vegetables. You want everything to stay under the liquid to prevent spoilage. Keep in mind that some of the roots will expand a little so top it off well. If you’re using a metal lid, line it with wax paper so that the vinegar doesn’t corrode it, then put the lid on. Place in a dark, room temperature cabinet for 2-4 weeks. (A month is best). When the cider is ready, shake well and then strain the roots/veggies using a cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve. Add honey to taste and store in the fridge.


  • Many people take 1-2 tablespoons throughout the fall/winter months as a preventative measure, or every three to four hours if symptoms are present. As a “wellness shot” put about 1 oz. in a shot glass to drink straight up
  • As a tea – Breathe in the steam as you sip to relieve congestion
  • In juice – For little ones, it’s best to serve a small amount mixed in freshly-pressed orange juice or lemonade
  • As a marinade or salad dressing

Adapted from:


A Cool Recipe for Hot Summer Days!

strawberryA tasty strawberry banana ice pops, perfect for the summer!

Here’s what you need:

1 heaping cup of strawberries
½ cup of yogurt (if you’re allergic to cow’s milk, use goat, sheep or coconut yogurt)
1 tablespoon of raw honey, maple syrup, or nothing
½ banana

Blend the strawberries and 1 tablespoon of sweetener (if using) in a blender or food processor.
In a small bowl, stir the yogurt with 1 tablespoon of the strawberry puree and 1 tablespoon of honey.
Fill ice pop molds with strawberry puree and yogurt (alternating to make layers) and slices of bananas and strawberries.
Insert sticks and freeze for 4 hours or until frozen. Run under hot water to release.

Easy to make, delicious and nutritious!

Is Plastic Use Safe?

Know Your Plastics

Plastics are everywhere – in food containers and toys, in cosmetics packaging and household utensils. While some plastics are eco-friendly and may be safe for kids, others contain harmful chemicals or cause dangerous pollution during manufacturing.

It’s just about impossible to avoid plastics altogether, but you can look for plastics that are safest for your family and the environment. So get to know the recycling codes imprinted on the underside of plastic products.

Look for these numbers before you buy:

  • Safer choices are coded 1, 2, 4 and 5.
  • Avoid 3, 6 and most plastics labeled 7.

Here’s what you should know about each code:


Qualities: Thin, clear

Common usage: Bottles for water, cooking oil, peanut butter, soda 

Studies indicate that this plastic is safe for one-time use. As a precaution, however, these bottles should not be reused or heated. This plastic can be recycled once into new secondary products such as fabric, carpet or plastic lumber.


Qualities: Thick, opaque

Common usage: Milk and water jugs, juice bottles, containers for detergent, shampoo and motor oil, and toys

Limit how often you refill containers made of HDPE. It can be recycled one time into products similar to those made of recycled Code 1 plastic.


Qualities: May be rigid or flexible

Common usage: Bibs, mattress covers and commercial-grade plastic wrap, as well as a few types of food and detergent containers

Avoid it. The manufacture of PVC creates dioxin, a potent carcinogen that contaminates humans, animals and the environment. PVC may also contain phthalates to soften it. These hormone disrupting chemicals have been linked to male reproductive problems and birth defects. PVC is not easily recycled, but some recycling plants may accept it.


Qualities: Soft, flexible

Common usage: Grocery store bags, plastic wrap for household use and garbage bags

LDPE is one of the safer plastics, but recycle it – and limit waste by bringing reusable bags when you’re shopping.


Qualities: Hard but flexible

Common usage: Ice cream and yogurt containers, drinking straws, syrup bottles, salad bar containers and diapers

PP is one of the safer plastics, but be sure to recycle wherever possible.


Qualities: Rigid

Common usage: Styrofoam coffee cups and meat trays; opaque plastic spoons and forks

Avoid it. PS can leach styrene, a known neurotoxin with other harmful health effects.


Code 7 is a grab bag. It includes polycarbonate, a plastic made from BPA, a harmful synthetic estrogen. Manufacturers use polycarbonate to make five-gallon water bottles, sports bottles, clear plastic cutlery or the lining of metal food cans. New plastic alternatives to polycarbonate, such as co-polyesters, are marked Code 7 as well.

This code also includes some new, compostable green plastics, such as those made from corn, potatoes, rice or tapioca. Bio-based plastics hold promise for reducing waste, but you must put them in regular trash or your city’s compost containers, not in standard recycling bins. Bio-based plastics cause huge problems if they enter the normal plastic recycling stream.

Investigate #7 and avoid polycarbonate. Don’t heat or reuse bio-plastics unless they are expressly designed for that.

Remember: Whatever plastics you choose, never heat them in the microwave or subject them to other extreme stresses, like being kept in a hot car. Always recycle or throw away containers once they start to crack or break down.

Adapted from:


There is really nothing like you in this world: Nothing!

In our world, love rules.

It is the highest attribute, with fundamental characteristic of all humankind.

Perhaps the finest expression of love is:


The definition of mother, a real mother is simply put:


A mother’s love is the ultimate human love.

It is said that THE HAND THAT ROCKS THE CRADLE RULES THE WORLD. Perhaps so because so much of a child is formed in the early years by mother. One is in life so much of what a mother was. A real mother is part of the life of a child forever. What we learn at mother’s knee is so often what we are. Her values become ours. We are HER.

The egg of a woman is the source of all life, the fundamental stuff of the universe and when fertilized by the sperm of the male:


The most precious thing of all happens. The egg and the sperm unite and become one but it is:


Who gives life. At that very moment of conception, the life of a HUMAN BEING begins.

That life is not a mere collection of cells as one biologist so flippantly said, but in reality the first moments of the life of a human being, a child on the grow in the womb. That fertilized egg is a BABY. So much for abortion which is nothing more than murder of that baby at any stage in the womb.

And so the mother begins mothering, and the baby grows. The enriched womb of the mother nourishes and cherishes the baby, sensitive to every need. The morning sickness is a small price to pay for the life within. Moods and diets may change as the womb grows large and beautiful. It is really wondrous to behold the change of mother in the making with that womb at work.

It is marvelous indeed to touch the nine month home of that child. The ear presses down, hoping to hear any sound from the baby. Touching, hearing, kissing, sensing life at work are really more important than any ultrasound. God at work through Mother Nature creating life is wondrous, even miraculous.

Some today are actually privileged to see the baby born. Out of the womb comes a bundle of joy, of life and yet another miracle happens. The pain of childbirth is so well worth the end result. Perhaps it is the most loving moment, the ultimate loving moment when brand new baby lays firm on mother’s breasts. Having seen that, how I wonder could any potential mother abort, kill her very own child? To do so is to abort a miracle.

Early on, it is the still, small voice of the mother which is perhaps the greatest teacher in life. We the infants hear that voice and remember what the voice of our mother sounds like and says for a lifetime. We do so consciously and perhaps even more importantly subconsciously. That loving voice in many ways is angelic, the early words of love. They come with touch, and they are spiritual, psychological, character forming and building. The love of a mother is every bit as important as food itself. So, in a sense, these early words are eternal for they train up the child in the way the mother wishes the child to go and to grow is not to depart from the right ways of the mother.

The words of a mother to her child are melodic, soothing, comforting. They support, encourage and they make a child feel safe. A mother touches, hugs, strokes, talks and sings to her baby, episodes never to be forgotten. When all else fails and all others as well, a truly loving mother never does. She is forever, eternal.

A loving mother is kind. In a world rough and confrontational, the kindness of the mother is a most necessary characteristic.

A loving mother is never jealous, never envious, always willing to put the child first, in love. A real loving mother is proud of her child no matter what the child becomes.

Motherly love is always positive, not negative. It looks for the best, the good and the right. But the mother renders discipline when things are wrong. The love of a real mother is tough love. That love has standards, clear, straight and simply and lovingly communicated. Real love is without compromise. A loving mother never bargains with a child.

A mother explains and answers perhaps better than any teacher, helping a child to understand. A mother stretches but never pushes knowing that her child must be challenged in order to grow. There is always demand and discipline from the right mother, both easy to implement when the child knows he or she is:


A loving, Godly mother makes certain her child understands her standards and values and those of God as well.

A loving Godly mother teaches the child the things of her Lord. Train up that child in the ways of faith, of Christian faith, the faith of the mother. There is no better witness for the child than a loving Christian mother, living life by those standards and the child along with her. That is faith with works, the best kind.

A real loving mother gives time, quality time to the child. There is for mother and child that quality time to talk and much more importantly, and especially for mother, to:


In an age of cell phones, babysitters, fast foods, carpools and demanding social life, all of that and everything else should never, ever interfere with quality time spent by the mother with child. Truly listening, and touching, and hugging, and encouraging, respecting the child produces some of life’s finest lessons. Those bonding moments are, as one psychologist has well said:


Never to be forgotten by either. Patient, kind and understanding. Truly interested in the life of a child, not superficially so. Perhaps that is why so many mothers wished more than ever, so we are told, to stay home, build that home for husband and child and all children and to spend full time training up that child in the way in which he should go. That is what mothers are for and no other job can ever come close to that incredible responsibility and opportunity.

No matter the love, child rearing is work, and hard work. It demands the time of the mother at all times. The real needs of a young child are great and they demand full time, mother always on the ready. How beautiful it is for father and husband to watch the baby breastfeed. How beautiful to see mother and child so intimately and sensitively connected. There is special nourishment from the milk of the breast but there is also the psychological nourishment, the nourishment of love and bonding, one with each other, the young and often subconscious memories lasting for a lifetime. A mother’s touch, feel and taste are vitally important to the growth of the child.

Some mothers homeschool. They want to train up that child in the right ways themselves. Others work to send the child to special schools, private schools or schools of faith. Loving mothers are more than willing to sacrifice to accomplish the right objectives for the child they love.

And all the while, a mother encourages the love of a father for child and the child for the father. There is respect, as important as love, between mother and father, husband and wife. There is a sense of equality as both parents love their child in different ways. Perhaps the love of a father for a child is different but as the child grows and matures, the love, the real love of a real father becomes as important to the child as that of the mother. Without both loves, something fundamental is missing. So that, when a child is ready for the world, and independence, and a life for itself, both loving parents have formed the young adult and are ready proudly so to watch a brand new life unfold. They have earned, these loving parents have, the right to be proud parents.

Small wonder that loving children love to give back. There comes a time when the priorities are reversed and the child becomes the support, the loving support of the parents. Loving children love to give back to loving parents. That love which began in the womb is eternal. It never fails. It outlasts faith, and hope and all the wisdom and riches of the world. It endures forever even as the love of Christ does.

And so it is with the deepest admiration, respect and love that we, all of us at Crawford Broadcasting Company, salute all real loving mothers on Mother’s Day and all year long. If you are a loving mother:


There is one day set aside to honor loving mothers which in reality should be done every day of the year. We are admonished, commanded to:


It is a commandment that we honor real loving parents with our love and respect. Give back the love you owe to your mother. Give it back with tears, with laughter and with joy. With gratitude and thanksgiving for all that she has done for you. Let her know how much you love and appreciate her, knowing as you do that you can never repay the loving debt you owe. No child can ever give back all that he or she has gotten. Never.

If she is here, make sure she gets what she deserves. There are so many mothers, like mine, not here. My mother is with her Lord as she has been for more than a quarter century. How much I would love the opportunity to give her one more hug. Do that for yours while you can.

We salute you and thank you, mother. There is really nothing like you in this world:








All tombs in the whole world have the name of the dead person written down on them except one with this writing: He’s not here He’s Risen!

“My wife and I both have grandmothers who have lived past 100. Talking with them and their friends, I detect a trend that seems almost universal in the reminiscences of older people: They recall difficult times with a touch of nostalgia. The elderly swap stories about World War II and the Great Depression; they speak fondly of hardships such as blizzards, the childhood outhouse, and the time in college when they ate canned soup and stale bread 3 weeks in a row.

Paradoxically, difficult times may help nourish faith and strengthen personal bonds. Seeing this principle lived out, I can better understand one of the mysteries relating to God. Faith boils down to a question of trust. If I do stand on a solid rock of trust in God (Ps. 18:2), the worst of circumstances will not destroy that relationship.

Solid-rock faith allows me to believe that despite the chaos of the present moment, God does reign. Regardless of how worthless I may feel, I truly matter to a God of love. No pain lasts forever, and no evil triumphs in the end.

Solid-rock faith sees even the darkest deed of all history, the death of God’s Son, as a necessary prelude to the brightest moment in all history—His resurrection and triumph over death.” —Philip Yancey

Lord, You are the Rock, the object of my faith. My faith stands on You and not on my shifting feelings; otherwise I would be sure to fall.

Dear Jesus, help me to trust You when life doesn’t make sense. Please take my doubt and replace it with fresh faith in You.

Christ, the Rock, is our sure hope.

INSIGHT: Psalm 18 is a song of thanksgiving. The long superscription, taken from 2 Samuel 22:1, gives the circumstances that led David to write this song of deliverance: “A Psalm of David the servant of the Lord, who spoke to the Lord the words of this song on the day that the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul.” David used seven metaphors to describe the Lord: He is a rock, fortress, and deliverer. He is our strength, shield, horn of salvation, and stronghold (vv. 2-3).

The risen Christ opens the door for you to have fullness of life.


Adapted from:

Our Daily Bread, Daily Devotion- Solid-Rock Faith (April 6, 2015)

“We got the dietary guidelines wrong. They’ve been wrong for decades!”

If you still believe that eating cholesterol-rich foods will cause your cholesterol levels to skyrocket and increase your risk of heart disease, you have missed the latest the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC).

Check this out for yourself:

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) has done a complete about-face. DGAC has recommended limits on dietary cholesterol be removed from the upcoming 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. This is a reversal of the cholesterol limitations that have been widely circulated since the 1960s.

Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Dr. Steven Nissen told USA Today: “It’s the right decision. We got the dietary guidelines wrong. They’ve been wrong for decades.” Indeed, Dr. Nissen estimates that only 20 percent of your blood cholesterol levels come from your diet. The rest of the cholesterol in your body is produced by your liver, which it makes because your body needs cholesterol.

According to Chris Masterjohn, who received his PhD in nutritional sciences from the University of Connecticut: “Since we cannot possibly eat enough cholesterol to use for our bodies’ daily functions, our bodies make their own. When we eat more foods rich in this compound, our bodies make less. If we deprive ourselves of foods high in cholesterol — such as eggs, butter, and liver — our body revs up its cholesterol synthesis.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a senior research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), also believes it’s difficult to get “too much” cholesterol in your diet, particularly in the standard American diet. But you may very well be getting too little, and that can cause serious problems.

Dr. Seneff believes, as do I, that placing an upper limit on dietary cholesterol, especially such a LOW upper limit as is now recommended, is likely causing far more harm than good.

But cholesterol has many health benefits. It plays a key role in regulating protein pathways involved in cell signaling and may also regulate other cellular processes, for instance. It’s already known that cholesterol plays a critical role within your cell membranes, but research suggests cholesterol also interacts with proteins inside your cells, adding even more importance. Your body is literally composed of trillions of cells that need to interact with each other. It also plays an essential role in your brain, which contains about 25 percent of the cholesterol in your body. It is critical for synapse formation, i.e. the connections between your neurons, which allow you to think, learn new things, and form memories.

Low levels of HDL cholesterol has been linked to memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease, and may also increase your risk of depression, stroke, violent behavior, and suicide.

It’s also important for the production of vitamin D, which is vital for optimal health. When sunlight strikes your bare skin, the cholesterol in your skin is converted into vitamin D. It also serves as insulation for your nerve cells.

Discover more here

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Sitting Can Not Only Hurt But Kill You?

Do you spend most of your day sitting down:

In the office

Watching TV



Recently, research shows that maintaining a regular fitness regimen cannot counteract the accumulated ill effects of sitting eight to 12 hours a day in between bouts of exercise. This is very strong evidence to seriously consider eliminating as much sitting as you can.

Watch the following video to discover how prolonged sitting is seriously dangerous for your health and life spam:


9 easy tips to save your life:


Making Positive Change in People’s Life!

Being a part of Sequoia Y fitness team instructors making a positive change in people’s life is a gift for me.

I had a great success since 2013 to present leading the Enhance Fitness Class for senior. It’s an evidence-based program, give recommendations for physical activities in healthy aging to stay active, well and independent. Watching participants improvement progress witnessing tangible result is a great accomplishment and success. More to come in 2015!

EF picinic 1

I keep members:

Motivated, committee and inspired,

Create friendships, and guide them toward their goals!


EF picnic 2

I keep it fun- a picnic event!

Make sure you include fitness activity in your new year resolution. As your body needs the following to thrive; Food, water, sleep and air, it also needs workout. It’s an equal necessity to remain well and healthy.


Modify this Habit for a Healthier 2015


By paying a closer attention modifying your posture when operating a smarphone will save you several health issues that can result in neck pain, headaches, early degenerative disc disease, depression, and several other serious health problems. Click here to find out more.

Have a healthy 2015!

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