If You’re Taking any Kind of Drugs, Keep reading…

Have you asked yourself these questions:

Do I really need that drug?

Is it prescribed appropriately, or is it being prescribed for an off-label use?

What are the side effects?

Is it addictive?

What are the natural alternatives?

Did I do a careful search to check for side effects or natural alternatives?

What if you can take control of your health by revealing the cause of your symptom but not masking it? Address and correct it rather than falling prey to drug side effects finding yourself running into a vicious cycle. Do you know that any come up health symptom might be a side effect of the previous drug you’re taking?

Do your homework by researching any drug your doctor prescribes before you take it!

Do you know that doctors have little information to offer to you aside from what they’ve been told by their drug reps? Learn more here …

And, I can help you discovering the cause of your symptom instead of keep masking it applying a band-aid, taking drugs here…

drug side effects

What You Should Know About Antibiotic Use


Have you noticed lately when you or anyone you may know, catches cold or gets the flu stays ill for over a month? And moreover, the sick person ends up taking a course of antibiotic in order to fight any existing body infection.

There are several levels of antibiotic medicine use. Unfortunately, after having the antibiotic resistance health problem a healthcare provider has to jump to prescribe the highest level dose in order to defeat the infection. Why and how antibiotic resistance becomes a GLOBAL health crisis, not only to be public, but to Mother Nature and animals as well?

Learn more about this critical issue to keep yourself informed and protected from potential serious health risks:


This can be a beginning toward a solution: http://www.certifiedhumane.org/index.php?page=take-action

Your health is worth the time to checking these links don’t you think?

Stay tuned to learn more how to be protected.



Inexpensive Natural Way to Improve Air Quality in Your Home


We’re exposed 24/7 to toxins and pollution not only outdoor but indoor as well where we spend the majority of our lifetime. Chemicals and toxins are found in carpet, wall paint, laundry detergents, cosmetic products, and the list goes on.

Getting a good quality air purifier is a good investment, but you need to keep buying filters… This would turn out to be an extra expense to you. Well, what about a natural inexpensive way that can do the job for you?

Click here to learn about indoor plants, specific kind that can purify your indoor air reducing allergens and providing fresh air!


Why You’re Drawn to Spas?


“Women are drawn to spas because they provide one of their few opportunities to receive divinely feminine care. Too many women feel depleted because they themselves don’t take the time to receive, because they are caught up in giving to others. This is especially true of mothers. If this rings true for you, accept this as a personal invitation to take in and receive the pleasures of nature.

If you find yourself resenting the people in your life, it may be because you never learned, first how to give yourself and, second, how to receive from them. Start taking more time for yourself and I promise that you will see a major change for the better in your relationships and even in you “luck. The busiest of women can and should find 5-10 minutes each day for personal pampering “- Greta Breedlove ‘The Herbal Home Spa” book

Feel loved, pampered and coddled with this healthy body oil:

Vanilla Infused Body Oil

A delectable Vanilla infused oil which can be used for massages or as a moisturizing body oil. You can even make a more concentrated version of this oil to use as a natural perfume!

– 2 organic Vanilla Beans
– 1 cup organic Jojoba Oil

Slice Vanilla Beans lengthwise and cut into small pieces.  Place in a glass jar, cover with oil, cap, and shake well. Store in a sunny and warm windowsill for 1-2 months and shake daily. When the oil has reached the desired strength, strain the Vanilla Beans out using cheesecloth and pour the infused oil into a bottle.

Love is an Art which comes from the Heart

Happy Valentine!

Adapted from: http://mountainroseblog.com


Check Your Kitchen Pantry Cabinet for Wheight Loss Possible Solution!


Is Weight Loss goal one of your 2013 resolution list?

If so, this piece of information is for you.

Herbs and spices are considered the most potent antioxidants in your food supply. But, also they can help you lose weight and promote healthy body weight. According to Dr. Mercola these 10 herbs and spices can aid with weight loss. Check them out here…


Holiday Shopping Safety


With the holiday season such a hectic time of year, people tend to forget that they must be aware of their surroundings while shopping. This  guidance list will ensure that you and your family remain safe and have great holiday season.


  • Carry only small amounts of cash
  • Shop during daylight hours whenever possible-or go with a friend if you shop at night (or the pre-dawn sales).
  • Carry keys, credit cards and cash separate from each other.
  • Be extremely careful and watchful when using ATM machines.
  • Wear conservative, comfortable clothing, and minimal jewelry.
  • Carry a cell phone, if you have one.
  • While driving, keep your doors locked and windows rolled up – including in the parking lot.
  • Maintain at least half a tank of fuel


  • If you have to carry a purse, carry it close to your body and keep it zipped.
  • Park close to where you are going and park in a well-lit area.
  • Heighten your awareness – be aware of your surroundings and who is nearby.
  • Grip carried items firmly and do not leave them unattended.
  • Do not overload yourself with packages to maintain visibility and freedom of motion, and to avoid mishaps
  • Pay for purchases with a check or credit card when possible.
  • When hurried or in a crowded shop, make sure you get all forms of ID and credit cards returned to you before leaving.
  • Notify the credit card issuer immediately if your credit card is lost or stolen.
  • Keep a record of all credit card numbers in a safe place at home.
  • Keep a close eye on children while shopping.


  • Leave the mall before closing time; it is safer to walk out of the mall with other people.
  • Be aware of strangers approaching you for any reason. At this time of year, “con-artists” may try various methods of distraction with the intent of taking your money or belongings.
  • Use an escort or mall security if you have a lot of packages or if you are leaving the mall after closing.
  • When returning to your vehicle, carry your keys in your hand and be ready to unlock the door and enter as quickly as possible.
  • Check under your car as you approach it; this is a common spot for criminals to hide.
  • Check the interior of your car before entering.


  • After opening gifts, break down cardboard boxes of expensive electronics and put them in plastic bags to hide the fact you have new high-value items in your home.

Wishing you a very safe and happy holiday season,

Resource: www.redwoodcity.org/newsletters

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!



Flu/Cold Vaccine


She thought that if she’d take the cold/flu vaccine, she’ll keep it out of her doorstep. But, unfortunately and sadly she got permanently disabled with total body paralysis. Watch her story here

Even worse, today, flu shot is being forced on health workers. Why? Click here to learn more…

How to make an informed choice? The best place to learn is from the National Vaccine Information Center  www.nvic.org

If You Vaccinate, Ask 8! What You Need to Know Before & After Vaccination

Stay safe, act smart, and eat healthy.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Your Right to Know!

If you’re a wealthy rich person and can’t find real food to buy to eat, how then,  your fortune would serve you? Time is running out. It’s now, or it may be never! Passing this state law in California will have the same impact as a national labeling law. For the first time in the US, the decision will be put into the hands of voters, YOU. This is the final hope for Americans to achieve basic GMO labeling- Proposition 37: Your Right To Know

It’s your future, the future of your children even more it’s the future of the planet your origin home!


If you don’t know what is GMO or GM Food (Genetically Modified Organism) or (Genetically Modified Food) watch any of these short YouTube videos about Monsanto-An Evil Company and make a conscious choice.

Even worse, are big large corporations, The Organic Trade Associations stab organic consumers on the back (red section)?

50 countries around the world do GMO labeling, including Russia, China and the entire EU.


Still Labeled as ‘Raw’


Real raw almonds have tremendous health benefits. They are an excellent source of manganese, copper, and vitamin B2 (all of which are important for the body’s energy production). Almonds are rich in magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and vitamin E, and high in health-promoting monounsaturated fatty acids and many other nutrients.

Raw almonds (with no heat applied) are particularly healthy. According to USDA data, raw almonds have more calcium, iron, potassium, fiber, manganese, and vitamin E.

According to the Almond Board, five methods of “pasteurization” are permitted: oil roasting, dry roasting, blanching, steam processing, and the use of propylene oxide (PPO). A sixth method involved irradiating the almonds, and this was used for a number of years, but now the Almond Board states that “Almond pasteurization does not include irradiation.”

The material safety data sheet for PPO warns:

Causes gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It may cause central nervous system depression, characterized by excitement, followed by headache, dizziness, drowsiness, and nausea. Advanced stages may cause collapse, unconsciousness, coma and possible death due to respiratory failure. Aspiration of material into the lungs may cause chemical pneumonitis, which may be fatal….May cause reproductive and fetal effects. Laboratory experiments have resulted in mutagenic effects. May cause heritable genetic damage.

If you suffer from migraine or not you may experience any of above health symptoms. But, how can you predict that any of these symptoms can be due to eating what it supposed to be a really healthy nutritious food? And, most of the time ended up wandering:

It’s labeled as raw!

I trust and want to support local farmers market…

Where is the truth and what to do?

Learn more @ http://www.anh-usa.org/usda-protect-us-from-raw-almonds/


Concerned about Migraine? Then Consider Body Physiological Causal Connections


Any symptom in the body including a migraine is a warning sign saying that something is going wrong and not functioning well. There are substances or circumstances considered to be triggers and causes which can activate a migraine. It can be one thing or it can be a combination. Everyone’s migraine is individual and unique. Try to stay away from any of them can certainly help, but what about your individual body physiological real causal connections? Let me explain further.

Holistic medicine is practicing a Nutritional Therapy vs. Allopathic Therapy that can help a client/patient who has the condition rather than treating the condition. It’s about Biochemistry vs. Chemistry. Why this work?

This therapy would get the body chemistry back into balance through consuming wholesome food, practicing natural lifestyle and being surrounded with clean environment. This wellness practice approach is comprehensive with emphasis on nourishing the WHOLE person, so the body nurtures, repairs and heals itself. All body systems and organs are perfectly well designed to work synergistically achieving optimal health. The same thing is as in a car. No single device or part can make the car runs, but all parts working together.  Here are three examples of body physiological causal connections:

  • Afternoon headache/headache between meals is related to low blood sugar
  • Feeling queasy/headache over eyes is related to your gallbladder
  • Feeling like head splitting in two from frontal lobe/headache before periods is related to your hormones imbalance

Whatever is your headaches/migraines type, you keep getting them because you’re constantly masking your pain/symptoms, but not correcting these body physiological causes. In this case, you’re not giving your body what it needs, in contrary you’re providing it with the wrong supply. The result is not only keep suffering, but creating more internal body system or organ damage that may escalate down the road to become irreversible.

Learn more about what body physiological causal connections might be here.




